Converts any TV into a Teletext Receiver with Infra -Red Remote Control (incl. GEC TELETEXT EXTERNAL ADAPTOR UNIT Complete & ready for use. VHF MODULATOR (CH 1 to 4) FOR OVERSEAS EASILY ADAPTED FOR VIDEO OUTPUT & C.C.T.V. PRICE OF MK 4 COLOUR BAR GENERATOR KIT CASE BATT HOLDERS MAINS SUPPLY KIT 4.20 (Combined P&P 2.20). * Simple design, only five i.c.s on colour bar P.C.B. * Push button controls, battery or mains operated. * Cross -hatch, grey scale, peak white and black level. * In addition to colour bars R -Y, B -Y etc. Price of Kit Case (10"x 6"x 21/4") app Optional Sound Module (6MHz or 5.5MHz) 3.90 Built & Tested in Case including Sound Module rspecial TEST REPORT I I 'TELEVISION' L DEC I Post/Packing 2.50 Add VAT 15% TO ALL PRICES PAL COLOUR BAR GENERATOR (Mk4) * Output at UHF, applied to receiver aerial socket. * All kits fully guaranteed with back-up service.

* Mains operated with stabilised power supply. * Additional video output for CCTV & VCR. UHF modulator output plugs straight into receiver aerial socket. * Mono outputs with border castellations, cross hatch, grey scale, vertical lines, horizontal lines and dots.

* EBU colour bars, BBC colour bars, whole rasters & split bars (specially useful for VCR service), white, yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red, blue and black. * Broadcast transmission accuracy (fully interlaced sync pulses with correct picture blanking). 111 in NS IN IN 1 * 40 different patterns and variations. TEST DEMONSTRATIONS AT 172 WEST END LANE U a el6"611%. 2 1 1 1 MANOR SUPPLIES MKV PAL COLOUR TEST GENERATOR FOR TV & VCR.